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Corrosion Inhibitor1번 상세이미지

Corrosion Inhibitor

An anti-corrosion coating used to prevent corrosion caused by contact with water and air on metal surfaces. It has strong adhesion to metal surfaces and corrosion resistance (resistance to saline water).
It forms a transparent coating film through room temperature natural curing and heat curing. (Curing at 120°C / 1 hour during heat curing).
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Product Details

Product Information

  • An anti-corrosion coating used to prevent corrosion caused by contact with water and air on metal surfaces.
  • Strong adhesion to metal surfaces and corrosion resistance (resistance to saline water).
  • Forms a transparent coating film through room temperature natural curing and heat curing (Curing at 120°C / 1 hour during heat curing).

Product Application Examples

  • Surfaces at risk of corrosion due to seawater, such as ships.
  • Places where contamination/corrosion protection of metal surfaces is required.

Internal Evaluation Results

Control Group
Corrosion and whitening occurred
Corrosion Inhibitor Coating Samples
No change